Tag Archives: baby blondes

Summer Kid Duty

Looking for some fun, cool, but CHEAP ways to keep your kids busy for the summer? Here’s an awesomely cool way to create an activity for them to focus on, enhance their creativity, & promote the little artists within!

This idea is perfect and can be used with more of what you already have! Not only is this smart of you, but what’s more innovative is that you can use your child’s BROKEN crayons (you know the extra ones sitting at the bottom of that crayon box not really being used anymore cuz your kid goes through crayons like their daily morning cereal! 🙂 and the best part is, you don’t have to spend an extra dime on them! Who can beat saving money, occupying your kid for a while, and the peace and summer fun this leaves you the innovative, cool, but oh so tired parent?

Here’s How to Do It:

You need – Crayons, Elmer’s Glue, Patience to sit and watch paint dry, a blow dryer, and a large piece of poster board

Organize and Glue Crayons into the pattern and color sequence you want.

Let dry.

Then use hand dryer to draw the colors OUT of the it’s paper shelling and let gravity do the rest!

It’s simple. Messy. But simple nonetheless.